Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Find the Right Attorney to Protect Your Rights Related to Wage and Hour

Wage and hour issues have emerged as the hottest button in law! An employer often violates the law by not properly paying for the overtime hours and sometimes fails to pay the least minimum wage as well. There are several issues such sexual harassment, minimum wage disputes, overtime or wrongful termination that can compel a worker to exercise his/her right to file a lawsuit.

Although the United States Department of Labor (DOL) enforces the federal minimum wage and overtime law but due to large number of lawsuits and shortage of staff deter them from offering timely help to a worker. Therefore, most employees hire the services of employment law firm to help them obtain their unpaid wages.

Instead of a lawyer that deal with all types of lawsuits you should seek a specialist lawyer with proven track record that deal with specific area of law needed by you. With the advent of internet you can easily find other workers who felt they were wronged by the company. Nowadays you can even mobilize other litigants online.

If your employer ever violates the minimum wage law, simply jump online, carry out little research and in a matter of few clicks of a mouse you can find the right legal help for your situation. Yes that's absolutely right, you just need to sit at your computer and a simple Google search will throw up contacts of several potential attorneys in your area.

While the choosing a reliable and efficient lawyer you need to consider his experience and skill in handling cases related to overtime, wage and hour claim. Take some time and read the biography of the lawyer. Verify their credentials by obtaining some career related information such as, number of cases won by them, track record of the company and other useful information. You can obtain all the information from the bar association of your respective state. Read the testimonial written by their clients and you can even acquire information through public forums online. So, if you ever find yourself in need of legal advice find an attorney whom you can trust and will be comfortable to work with.Article Source:

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