Were you injured at work? Did you lose time from work? Were you off of work for several weeks, or months? Do you have any scars from your injury? Did you need a surgery in order to recover properly? Has your employer and the insurance carrier handled your medical treatment promptly? There can be many confusing turns in any workers' compensation case. If you feel confused by the process you're not alone! If you're not getting the necessary answers or medical treatment you need, hiring a good workers' compensation attorney could be just what you need.
Don't hire an attorney who rarely handles a workers' compensation case. You want an expert. Meet with your potential attorney at least once. Do you like him/her? Are they approachable? Do you feel you can trust him/her? If you find an attorney offensive, odds are others feel the same way. It's ideal to have an attorney who's had success discussing ongoing cases with insurance carriers and negotiating favorable settlements for their clients.
Technical proficiency is not enough. It's a buyers' market. You want a balance of technical know-how and professional personality. Don't be fooled; a pleasant demeanor is powerful in getting every dollar out of an insurance company. Insurance adjusters typically are overloaded with cases and can be tough when it comes to settling cases. Personality matters. Tough bluster may delay your settlement for months, even years.
Smart attorneys know that adjusters want and like to close files. If an adjuster knows that a conversation with your attorney is likely to be productive, they'll get into a habit of paying a bit more when that attorney calls. Closing files without the delay and expense of a trial is good for the insurance company, you the client, and your attorney.
You want an attorney with a minimum of one year of experience. Ask your potential attorney about their track record in trials at the Industrial Commission in your state. With experience comes an ability to address the complexities of medical treatment, recovery, and long term ramifications that effect you, your employer, and your family.
When someone is injured at work, recovery can be difficult physically, emotionally, and mentally. This is not the time for heroics. There's professional, talented help available to you in the form of a good workers' compensation attorney. Do a little homework before choosing your attorney. Solid representation will deliver peace of mind, and help you obtain the benefits and related compensation your state has determined injured workers' deserve.Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kimberly_Schenk
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